Friday, December 29, 2006


We had a list of foods and beverages that we wanted to try while in Peru. Among them was chicha morada, a non-carbonated beverage made from purple corn. The first step in making chicha is for the maker to chew the corn kernels; for Chris, this was a bit offputting, but no one's perfect. After being fermented for a few days, the resulting drink is darker than grape juice and tastes slightly fruity and, um, corny. It's pretty hard to describe. Here's us getting out there and trying new things.

No matter whether you see chicha for sale on the street or in a restaurant, it's usually in a big container. Here's the jug'o'chicha at the Chez Maggy where we had lunch.


Blogger Unknown said...

Fermented is good.

8:41 AM  

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